viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

A little bit on the bumper....

So, a lot of people have asked me how i did the bumper in my car, i can tell you it was a very good experience that i just don't want to do it again. Working with fiber glass is messy and itchy. First of all, this is the first time that i work with fiber glass on this level, i'm not an expert and for the knowledge that i have, the bumper turn out pretty good. Well enough talking, let's go the visual side of this....

btw, we used a chalk, foam, duct tape, a dremel and a lot of patience with this one!

First, i need an objective, what is going to look like...

This is what me and my brother aimed for, a m3 look a like bumper. My bumper already had two holes for halogen light that we did back then.

Ok, measure as many times as you need and do one cut!

The cut out.

the mess!!!

Duct tape is your friend!

Now to start working with fiber glass, the correct equipment.

Fiber Glass Time!!!

Still doesn't look that nice...

I think i mess up my bumper...

After grinding a lot, and a little bit of prime


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